Hi! I’m Choon Kiat. I maintain a broad range of software interests, from backend web service architecture to bayesian inference, and this is a blog that I’ve decided to set up to help me to document some of the projects I’ve been up to.
- Github github.com/choonkiatlee
- LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/choonkiatlee
Raspbian QEMU
Run raspbian on your home laptop using Docker! Useful for cross-compilation or validating programs for the RPi with the full power of your laptop
🔢 JPake
Generate a mutual secret key using a shared weak key. Implements Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling (J-PAKE) based on elliptic curves
Fixed Income Strat
I work on the GSAM Fixed Income Strats team, performing quantitative research into global fixed income markets
Augmented Reality app that allows users to find their lost items
Data Science Intern
Led a team of interns to build a tool to detect fraudulent behaviour using raw user session data (eg: key-press timings and mouse movements)
Software Engineering Intern
Developed OPC-UA server for a proprietary embedded platform running eLinux
Masters of Engineering
General Engineering degree, specialising in information and electronics engineering.