Cambridge Engineering environment setup•

22-02-2021 / Edit on Github

nano for git bash 🔗


  • Download nano for windows:
  • Rename it nano-git.exe
  • Place it under /usr/bin
    • This is likely C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin if you installed git with default settings
  • Create a script file called nano (without file extension!) in the same /usr/bin/ directory. Put two lines:
    START //WAIT nano-git.exe "$@"
  • You can now launch nano editor by simply calling 'nano' or 'nano foo.txt'.

Setting up X11 forwarding from engineering computers 🔗

  1. Download X11 client for windows:
    • Xming
  2. Set DISPLAY environmental variable for Xming
    echo export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 >> ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile
  3. Login to gate and do port forwarding:
    ssh -Y -L localhost:2222:ts-access:22
  4. Login to ts-access through the port forwarding (in another git bash window)
     ssh -Y -p 2222 ckl41@localhost
  5. Launch an X program to check!

•Notes with this notation aren't good enough. They are being updated.